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We are a fully transparent organization. We ensure trust and accountability through totally transparent financial transactions and all information about how we are dealing with financial matters.

Transparency and Accountability

For better transparency, we encourage all our members to deposit all donations directly to our bank account.

  1. Bank statements are published monthly.
  2. Any member can request certified bank account statements covering any period (we will request certified copies from bank if a request comes).
  3. We take guidance from UK Charities SORP (FRS 102) standard (www.charitysorp.org) in preparing accounts and annual report.
  4.  Annual report and final year accounts are published each year. We also publish full accounts of the year, not just final year accounts, so any member can go through in detail of our money management.
  5.  Accounts for individual projects are also published upon completion of each project.
  6.  Where ever possible, we do not transact with cash, instead we do a bank to bank transfer to the supplier’s official bank account. This way, we can show complete traceability of our fund transfers.